Archive for December, 2016

Evelyn Christensen Market Tidbits

This wonderful woman gives writers the best information for free. I highly recommend all her information. Here are her November, 2016 tidbits.

Markets that are closed

Many print and online magazines have closed. This is not good news for us writers, but important to know.

Here is Evelyn Christensen’s list of closed markets:

Chronicle Books

This publisher of children’s books is accepting unsolicited submissions. I have not submitted to Chronicle but plan on doing so in the future.

They publish fiction and non-fiction.

Print Books

As more publishers continue to not accept unsolicited manuscripts, it has become harder for writers who wish to write for print books.

Charlesbridge does accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Here are more details on submissions:

It isn’t easy when we are unknown to an editor; we must make it past the first-reader and that can be hard. But I did it in the past and my goal is to reenter the children’s market, both fiction and non-fiction.

Here is their 2017 catalog. This is a valuable resource for writers to learn to known what type books are published by this company.



Do you belong? It’s important that writers for children check out this organization, the leading one for writers like us. Editors like to know we belong too. Every year they update their publishing guide, one of the best there is.

It has been too long

Over a year since I last posted. Family concerns took me away from my writing, but I am called to write and so am back again and, hopefully, this time to stay. As always, I will try to bring my followers of this blog up to date with news about writing for children. I know I’ll be back in the “slush pile” as my former editors have left their posts and other magazines have closed. But I also know that if I work at it, I will once again be back in children’s books and magazines. It does take work, no doubt about it.

A big change in recent years is that we now submit a lot more online. Many publishers no longer accept manuscripts the “old way.”

Here is the link for submitting to the “bugs” or the Cricket Group.

If you have any special requests on information for writing for children, please email me at

I also continue to be active in photography. This photo was just published in the Arizona Highways online magazine, in the issue on the Grand Canyon, and I shot this picture at the North Rim. Often my photos have appeared in children’s magazines, and I will post more about how to do that in the coming days.
